A Definitive Guide to Start your Career in Automotive Industry


Do you want to be a part of the £18.6 billion industry? Then join the automotive industry. The turnover from the automotive industry in the UK is £82 billion. In fact, it is a great place if you have extra affection for the cars. Just imagine that you will pass each day of your career working with cars. If it sounds interesting, then you must start preparing from today. Are you thinking about where to start? Do not worry; in this article, we have provided a complete guide to starting your career in the automotive industry. Read it, start following it today, and kick-start your career in the automotive industry.

Automotive Industry in UK

The automotive industry in the UK plays a vital role in the economy. It adds  £18.6 billion value to the UK industry and has a £82 billion turnover.  This industry opens a huge opportunity for employment; more than 823,000 people work directly in the manufacturing industry across the UK.

This industry contributes 14.4% of the total UK export of goods and adds £44 billion in the economy. Research and development is the core part in the automotive industry that is making the industry more modern and significant. So, the investment in this sector is also huge. $3.75 billion is invested every year in the R&D sector of the automotive industry.

In 2019, the industry built 1.3 million cars, 78,270 commercial vehicles and 2.5 million engines. So you can guess the size and potentiality of the industry; yes, it is huge.

Career Options in Automotive Industry

More than 823,000 people are involved in the automotive industry. As you can guess, the industry opens a wide range of career opportunities for you. So before getting into the definitive guide to starting your career in the automotive industry, let’s see what career options you have in the automotive industry and how much you can earn.

Auto Mechanic

If you love repairing and giving new life to old things, then you can start with this career option. As an auto mechanic, you can earn on average £30,394 from this job.

Auto Engineer

design, testing and building of vehicles are the core activities of the auto engineer. As an auto engineer, you can earn on average £32,162 as a junior auto engineer and £81,227 in the senior position.

Auto Salesperson

You can earn, on average, £21,000 to £42,000, depending on your experience. However, along with your regular income, you can earn a significant amount from as a commission from this career option.

Guide To Starting Your Career in Automotive Industry

The aforementioned careers are the most popular career option in the automotive industry. You can choose any of them and start your career. Now Lets see how you can start your career in the automotive industry. Let’s checkout the definitive guide.

1. Earn A Degree

This is the first step to starting your career in the automotive industry. Get a relevant degree so that you can achieve specialisation in the area. For automotive engineering, you need a university degree in automotive engineering, or engineering. With this specialised degree, you will get an in-depth idea of auto engineering. If you want to start your career as an auto mechanic, your bachelor’s degree in auto engineering will be enough for this job. However, you can also have a specialised degree in auto mechanics; besides, you can get a college diploma to start your career in the automotive industry. For sales, a bachelor degree in sales and marketing is pretty good for the post. Along with your bachelor degree, your industry knowledge and passion for cars are the keys to starting your career in this sector.

2. Enroll in Automotive Training Program

Now, it is time to get some professional degree. Along with your academic degree, a professional degree adds extra value to your CV and makes you worthy in the competitive job market. Which course you will enroll in depends on your career choice. To start a career in the auto mechanic industry, enrol in the Auto Mechanic Training Program. The course is fully online, so you can access it from anywhere , anytime.  This is an accredited course; it will add extra value to your CV. The course covers strategies, principles, and methods to become a successful car mechanic.

3. Apply for The Apprenticeship

After successful completion of the professional course, you are ready for the job market. Now, it is time to get practical experience. apprenticeship is the best idea to add  practical experience in your career basket. If you choose to become an auto mechanic, then you will be working in the repair centre during your apprenticeship program. During the program, keep your learning mind on. Learn as much as you can. You have to observe, learn and then apply your previous learning in real life. You will meet real customers with real problems and have to give real solutions to the problem. Sometimes, you will be the person to give solutions; sometimes, you will observe and learn the solution. An apprenticeship is not for free; you will get a nominal salary during your apprenticeship.

If you choose Automotive engineering as your career, then your apprenticeship program will be based on automotive engineering. Throughout your apprenticeship program, you will learn the process, strategies  and key techniques of auto design, testing and building in real life. Along with this, you will get hands-on experience in project management, time management, quality management techniques and other professional skills that will make you a confident and expert auto engineer.

For a sales career, you mostly do not need to have an apprenticeship program. Your passion and knowledge for the automotive industry, as well as your skills for selling, will be enough to start your career as a sales person in the automotive industry.

4. Get Ready for the Job

Congratulations! You are just one step ahead from your dream job. Now, you have theoretical knowledge, practical experience and a passion for the automotive industry. Now, it is time to show your worth for the job market. Do not worry; you will stand out in the market if you have already completed the professional course. It is time to get ready for the job. Know your worth, write it down in your CV, stay confident, and then search for the job. Use a different job portal to apply for the job. However, you can use your professional network in your job search strategy. Networking is a good way to land your dream job. Before the job interview, get ready for the probable questions. Practice as much as possible before the job interview. Practice common job questions along with common interview questions. Check industry updates too before the job interview; this is how you will sound as an expert in the interview. Be confident, believe in yourself, and firmly face the interview for the job. Stay vigilant for the negative feedback too, and keep trying; only this way can you successfully land your dream job in the automotive industry.

Nothing is impossible; if you want something by heart and work for it dedicatedly, you will get it one day. Follow this definitive guide step by step and start your career in the automotive industry.