5 Car Maintenance Tips Everyone Needs to Know Before a Road Trip


If you are feeling stressed out from all the hard work or simply need a change of scenery, it’s the perfect time to go on a road trip. Traveling can help a person get to know themselves better, see new and exciting places and meet new people. For car owners, road trips become quite tedious when you incorporate all the maintenance checks that have to be performed before the journey. Therefore, it’s important to be well informed, to know all the issues that can come up beforehand and plan out the journey. In order to help you prepare for a safe and fun road trip, we have put together a list of advice for you to follow.

1. General checks

First things first, it’s of paramount importance to get your car serviced, no matter if it’s a new car or an old one, before you get on the road. This way, you can make sure that the car will safely transport you and other passengers from A to B. What you can do on your own is check your oil. There is no easier way to help your engine work efficiently than regular oil and filter changes. Another thing you can do on your own is change the cooler fluid. Also, you should see to it that you have a 50/50 distilled water and coolant fluid mixture so that you can prevent the occurrence of corrosion in the cooling system.

2. Checking your tires

There is nothing worse than getting a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. Not only will this ruin your trip, but it will also lead to numerous unnecessary expenditures. So, if you want to save money and not worry about getting a flat, make sure to check the condition of your tires. First off, inspect them for any odd tears or bulges. Also, if your tires don’t have any threads left and look too smooth, it’s probably time to change them. Additionally, you should always check the tire pressure. They come with instructions that tell you the amount of pressure that needs to be maintained in order for them to work properly so you won’t have to worry about over- or under-inflating them. While browsing for the new ones, always make sure to look for wheel and tyre packages if you want to save a couple of bucks.

3. Battery maintenance

Battery maintenance is equally as important as taking care of any other part of your vehicle. Above anything else, you need to know that you shouldn’t wait for your car to stop working completely and only then change the battery, but make sure you get a new one on time to reduce the chances of ending up stranded somewhere because your car died. This is another reason why going to a mechanic is crucial. After you have checked the battery life, you will see whether you need to invest in a new one or not. Another great way to preserve the battery is by paying attention to your lights and radio; never leave them on if your car is off.

4. Additional gear

Every car should be fully stocked with additional equipment, such as tools, first aid kits, spare tires and gadgets. Unfortunately, your mechanic won’t be able to predict what kind of conditions and situations can occur on the road, so it’s crucial that you have all the necessary gear. For example, if you have some free space in your trunk, you can pack a spare tire and a jack handle. Make sure to pack all the essential items for the road before you go.

5. Know where you are going

In order to save some money on gas and avoid looking for instructions everywhere, you should invest in a GPS system. This way, you will only need to sit back, type in your destination and enjoy the ride. Thanks to a recent decline in prices, these gadgets are not expensive and investing in them will pay off in the long run.

As you can see, it only takes five steps to prepare your car for a safe and comfortable ride. So, make sure to follow them, pack your bags and have a lovely road trip. Bon voyage!