Why Go For Transmission Inspection?


One of the essential prerequisites for making sure that your automobile runs well is to have a constant check on your transmission fluid. Most often, these transmission fluid services come at unexpected times. You need to keep a constant check on it because this determines your car’s ability to run and function well. Do invest some time into it.

What are the issues?

The first issue is to check if your transmission has enough fluid or not. This fluid will keep your transmission cool and well lubricated. Obviously, when this is exhausted, the transmission will become hot and will wear out. The additives and detergents in the fluid will drain over time. These additives and detergents ensure the protection of your transmission. Therefore, one needs to ensure these fluids are replaced on a scheduled basis.

The fluid is also responsible for imparting the power needed to transfer power from the engine to the transmission. So, it is highly important that enough care is given to its maintenance.

What should you inspect?

There are two types of problems here. The first thing is to look out for the transmission leak. When your car’s transmission refuses to shift properly, suspect a leak. There could be fluid seepage, a breach in the pan gasket, or other such issues. The fluid is at first bright red in color, then turns dark red slowly and eventually brown. What you should do immediately is check right away underneath your vehicle.

The second thing? Replace your fluid on a planned basis. Have your schedule to do this sincerely. Replacement will ensure that your transmission gets to experience the new additives and detergents. That is outright necessary for your automobile to function well.

What should you expect?

You may be in a position to address and speculate on the issue on your own. However, it is always advisable that you take the case to your mechanic or an expert. Choose a mechanic who will give you the best service because some transmission repair work is rather straightforward and some is complex and mechanical in nature. Sometimes, it requires a combination of both mechanical and electrical engineering expertise to get things done right. The problems here could range from resealing, replacing accessible jobs, etc.

  1. The mechanic will test drive your car. Hence, it enables him to analyze the problem in hand.
  2. They have the expertise to pinpoint the root of your transmission problem. Their service will include the following:
  3. Checking the level of your fluid
  4. Checking the condition and state of the current fluid
  5. Perform a road test for analysis
  6. Check your car’s noise
  7. Check vibration in your car
  8. Upshift timing and quality
  9. The mechanic will also inspect the car to diagnose the problems external to transmission.
  10. They will often put your car or automotive in a higher-up position to inspect leakage, to harness ground connection, wire condition, wire gaskets, etc.

Typical rates

Typically, transmission inspection and its cost range from $1000-$2000. The average cost of rebuilding is likely to be around $2800, and replacement costs are somewhere between $3500 and $3800. The transmission leak is also an issue that will come up when you inspect. Typically, it should be anywhere from $150 to $200.

Always remember to hire transmission expert who will charge you a bill for the same. A transmission inspector will suggest the appropriate measures to take. However, this maintenance is never complete without your making an effort to schedule the replacement or repair of the fluid on a timely basis.

However, transmission inspection will not only tell you about fluid problems. It will take everything into account and tell you all that is wrong with your automobile.